どんな 任務 でも こなせる カイエン
誕生から20年。 カイエンは常に改革者だった。ポルシェに 新しいアクセントを加え、 コンフォートとオフロードドライブ、そしてスポーティな走りの共生を証明し、そして何より、 多才なオールラウンダーとしてドライバー達を 熱狂させてきた。

20 years of the Cayenne – the SUV sports car is a versatile all-arounder.世界に革命を巻き起こした20歳の若者など、そういるものでもない。しかし、今年20歳になるカイエンは、新しい市場を開拓し、ポルシェの新しい可能性を切り開いた。初代カイエンは、当時、ボクスターや911(タイプ996)と共に、ポルシェが大きく飛躍するきっかけとなった記念碑的モデルだ。
特別仕様 : “ロシアンアーム”リモコンで操作されるクレーン・ブームの長さは4mから7mギリギリまで、全周旋回カメラはあらゆるブレを打ち消すことができるよう電子制御される。システム総重量は約180kg。

アクション! 映画界の影武者、カイエン
Action films rely on movement, whether wild car chases, dynamic stunts, or high-speed parallel driving. And the more breathtaking the scene is, the higher the suspense. Engineer Anatoliy Kokush, who hails from Ukraine, developed the ultimate system for thrilling scenes like these in the 1980s. The Russian Arm can be rotated 360 degrees via remote control, and the camera tilted in all directions – even at vehicle speeds of up to 150 kmh. It goes without saying that the Cayenne with its dynamic characteristics is the ideal basis for this high-tech crane. As a real Porsche, it’s not only fast and agile, but also offers enough space for the film crew. Kokush received an Oscar for his invention in 2006.キャンピングカー

Even when he was in the US Navy, Harrison Schoen never stuck around long at any one location. And over the years, he’d even gotten used to tight living quarters on aircraft carriers. With his military service behind him, he came up with the idea of converting a Cayenne into a mobile home in spring 2021. “I came to realize how short life is,” explains Schoen. “And if I have the opportunity to keep moving and make a living along the way, I should do it.” He has been sleeping in the car ever since, cooking on a camping stove and bathing under a roof-mounted shower. Schoen has since completed some of the most difficult tours in the western United States and set himself the goal of visiting every national park in the US. He documents his adventures on his YouTube channel Harrison Schoen and other social media platforms.セーフティーカー

In 2017, Porsche Cars Australia provided three Cayenne forthe Supercars Championship, the most popular Australian
racing series for touring cars, and thus demonstrated that even
the brand’s largest SUV feels right at home on the racecourse.
Two vehicles equipped with a 4.2-liter V8 turbo diesel engine
served as safety and medical car, while a Cayenne Diesel Platinum
Edition assumed the role of course car.

The Cayenne is robust, reliable, and blessed with all-wheel drive, differential locks, and high ground clearance, so why wouldn’t you use it for expeditions? South African Shane Oosthuizen had precisely this idea and was interested in driving the full length of Africa with his fiancée. However, the pandemic got in the way of his plans, which is why the two of them drove the car from Austria, where it had been converted, across Europe to the Netherlands and had it shipped from there to South Africa. The Oosthuizens have since driven across their home country, including Lesotho and Botswana. They’ve already covered around 100,000 kilometers in Africa and Europe, with more adventures to come.救急車
モデル:ポルシェ・カイエンS Eハイブリッド2015年製

Cardiac arrest requires immediate action. The Servicio de Asistencia Municipal de Urgencia y Rescate (SAMUR) emergency service in Madrid has been using an extraordinary ambulance since 2015 that’s equipped specifically for these critical cases. The Cayenne S E-Hybrid features extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) equipment that supports and can even take over heart and lung function, making it possible to keep someone who has suffered a heart attack alive for longer. Porsche Ibérica donated the four-door sports car for this globally unique project dedicated to improving medical intervention in the event of cardiac arrest. The vehicle’s specific characteristics are perfectly suited for this application: the Cayenne S E-Hybrid is fast and agile, and yet spacious enough to contain the necessary equipment. And it can even be electrically powered in certain circumstances on the streets of Madrid.ポルシェ・カイエンの20年
911 GT3
13.8 – 13.7 l/100 km
312 – 310 g/km
G Class
G Class
911 GT3 with Touring Package
13.8 – 13.7 l/100 km
312 – 310 g/km
G Class
G Class
Taycan Turbo GT
21.6 – 20.7 kWh/100 km
0 g/km
A Class
Taycan Turbo GT with Weissach package
21.3 – 20.6 kWh/100 km
0 g/km
A Class