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포르츠하임 대학교 운송 디자인과 학생들이 스케치 작업을 배운다. 대학 선배이자 폭스바겐의 디자인 총책임자인 미하엘 마우어가 했던 것처럼, 두번째 학기를 맞은 학생들은 일주일 동안 미래 911의 하나가 될 자신만의 자동차 디자인을 처음으로 완성했다.
km 038–060
3. 바이삭
4. 포르츠하임

멜리나 뮐(Melina Mühl):
“It all happened intuitively, extremely so. I didn’t want to maintain restraint, but rather be bold.”
“저는 새로운 911 디자인에 곡선을 강조했습니다. 물방울 모양이 중요했고, 이를 방해하는 모서리는 절대로 있어서는 안되죠.”

자유로운 사상가:
Creativity, courage, and individual exploration were the main focus of the one-week project. Therein lies the charm, according to instructor Gernot Bracht. “Diving into something without preconceptions, without being part of an established system—that’s the appeal. To really delve into the matter, to find very different ways of addressing it. Everything starts with a pencil and a piece of paper—and then by pure chance you might end up telling a story.”
보 장(Bo Zhang):
“Cars these days are often excessively complicated and laden with detail. The 911 is an exception. It’ll always take a classic approach. So if I were to do a redesign, I’d keep the main lines. I wouldn’t want to change much. Instead, I’ve tried to elicit even more power. My main aim was to maintain the highlights of the 911.”
“핵심은 바로 절제에 있습니다. 911의 윤곽선은 정밀하고 아름다우면서 동시에 간결합니다.”

다비드 코제(David Kose):
“There’s an extreme downward slope at the rear of my design. The main idea behind it is that taillights will no longer be needed in the future, because communication in semiautonomous traffic won’t take place using lights. I also wanted to base my design on the 919: vertical headlights signal a strong departure from tradition.”
라리사 림호프(Larissa Imhof):
“The rear of the 911 is of paramount importance to me, because that’s where the engine is located. So this area radiates power and is where the design music is played.”“하나의 911에는 많은 것이 투영되어 있습니다. 꿈과 희망 그리고 소망이라는.”

“저는 아주 새로운 것을 시도해보고 싶었어요. 머리 속에 순식간에 한 아이디어가 떠올랐죠. 911의 커브를 손질하고, 여기서 더 나아가 심플하지만 럭셔리하게 하는거예요.”

“A spoiler element was added as an integral part of the conically tapering rear. Plus higher fenders, because driver assistance systems could soon make perfect all-around visibility superfluous.”
야니스 릴(Janis Riehl):
“The dark areas are of symbolic significance: the driver’s compartment, the electronics strip, and the traditional location of the rear engine. With the capsule-shaped rear I wanted to highlight the idea of lightweight construction. That was a priority especially for the first 911s, although it has faded somewhat into the background today.”